My latest past life regression involves a beautiful, loving moment with a father and child.
I find myself on a large empty beach with the ocean gently lapping the sand. The sky is filled with a beautiful red and orange glow and there is a stillness all around. The ocean is vast and calm, and the sun is not yet visible upon the horizon, but I know that it is rising. Surveying my surroundings, I can see tree covered mountains in the distant meeting the ocean. I am most certainly not in England. I feel that I am in America, but am I?

Looking down I see a man’s foot stepping forward in a brown leather sandal. Each footstep slightly sinks in the wet sand as water rises to the surface. With each step forward I find myself transfixed on these feet and I can sense that this man is strong and healthy. Each time a gentle wave washes in and covers his feet, is a joy to behold.
I allow my gaze to travel up his legs. His khaki-coloured knee length shorts are a surprise, and a feeling of military comes over me. Continuing my gaze upwards, he wears a red long-sleeved t-shirt with a polo neck. Focusing on his longish dark-haired beard, I realise that my arms are snuggling deeply within it. Sounds of laughter fill my senses as the thought of being his child, piggy backing consumes me. Pretending to dodge the waves, he jumps causing me to descend into fits of laughter. Feeling his vibrations of laughter is so comforting as I hold tightly on.
Father and Child Past Life Regression
With each step forward, his natural long entwined staff sinks into the sand. My father didn’t require the staff for support, it was his tool, and he was very much in tune with nature. We are walking at dawn to see what catch the ocean has supplied us with overnight.
As to ages, I sense that I am somewhere between the ages of three and nine years old. My father is in his late thirties to early forties. The year judging on his clothing is somewhere around the 1940’s. I also have a feeling that moments like this are to be incredibly cherished for it most certainly doesn’t happen every day. My intuition tells me that he is a military man on leave.
Just Go with The Flow and Let it Happen
When entering a past life, sometimes it is difficult to picture your surroundings. This is especially true if you are not relaxed enough to go with the flow. The worst thing you can do is question the reality of what you are seeing or experiencing. Just roll with whatever you see, hear, feel and analyse it later. At the end of the day, whatever arises from your subconscious has done so for a reason. Also, a good therapist will ensure your safety throughout.
I often go visiting past lives during my own guided meditations. I also understand how difficult it can be to switch off my inquisitive mind and allow my next adventure to unfold. Thankfully, the more I practice, the easier it becomes.
Unconditional Love
Prior to experiencing this past life regression, I asked my higher self to provide me with profound wisdom. I opened myself up to whatever flowed my way and as I write now, I am smiling so much.
The feeling of unconditional love between a father and child bonding is consuming. I feel it in my solar plexus spreading upwards into my heart and mind. While on my father’s shoulders, in the beauty of nature, nothing else matters. A sense of oneness, in time, in nature, with each other is profound.
Who I was, i.e. name, age simply doesn’t matter. My father’s name doesn’t matter either. I was fully embracing this moment and loving every minute of it.
Father and Child Analysis
As I now search for 1940’s military wear on Google images, I can validate the shorts as being true to that time. My search however for a red t-shirt leads me to realising that I don’t require validation of this being true. It is the message behind this experience that is most important.
Recently, within the last six weeks, I discovered that my real father who I never met, died in 2003. At the age of just turning fifty-three, I am not surprised about his death however, I suppose any glimmer of hope of meeting him, dwindled away.
Co-incidentally, if you submit your DNA online to discover your family tree, be prepared for surprises. I have connected with a cousin and half sibling as a result and for the first time I have seen images of my real father.
I don’t need to dwell on feelings of missing out on meeting him. By all accounts, he wasn’t a great father anyway. What I do know is that I have experienced a father and child bonding in a past life. Therefore, I don’t need to dwell on what I missed out on.
This is such a truly wonderful moment. Reflecting on my experience of feeling unconditional love between a father and child is all that matters!

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