Reiki and Hypnotherapy in Liverpool

Mindset Coaching

Mindset coaching helps you with embracing challenges

Mindset coaching is the ability to focus on your patterns of thinking and existing beliefs with the aim of transforming your life into one of success. Moreover, with success comes happiness!

Book Amanda as your Mindset Coach

  • Each session lasts 60 to 90 minutes
  • For current prices please view the price list
  • A strategy will be discussed and agreed upon during your first session as this allows Amanda to gain a good overview of your problem

Perhaps you fear failing or you’re fearing that you won’t have enough money to pay your bills if you change career?

Maybe, you’ve never coped well with change and not knowing what the future holds?

Perhaps you tell yourself that you’re simply not good enough with effecting the changes you so desire?

Mindset coaching with me will bring in transformational change!

Amanda Norman ADV/DIP/HYP

Without a doubt, too many times I allowed my fears to hold me back from making the changes I was yearning for. My mindset was one of continual negative thinking and I was also allowing myself to be controlled by my fears. Subsequently, I was unknowingly creating negative beliefs to justify holding myself back.

Firstly, let me tell you that you DO have the ability to attract abundance and obtain your goals and desires. Deep down, you know this to be true, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

Secondly, my role as your mindset coach is to effectively, guide you into achieving your dreams. Working together, we will above all, develop your positive mindset by creating strategies that work for you.

Choosing me to deliver your mindset coaching

What makes me different from other coaches is my friendly, no jargon attitude and actual desire to help you succeed. I can’t express just how amazing I feel these days with my outgoing, positive mindset. If I can manifest my goals and dreams, so can you!

Mindset coaching will assist you with making the changes you desire. Together, we will begin by examining your inner thoughts and addressing your self-beliefs.

We will explore the reasons why you make the decisions you’re currently making and free yourself of negative behavioural patterns.

If you surround yourself with people who are oozing with positive energy, you will most certainly begin harnessing that energy into your life. I enjoy inspiring others and watching them grow.

When feeling successful and positive, you will grow and so will I.

Mindset Coaching with Amanda who is based in Liverpool

The power of thinking

The likes of Albert Einstein and Mahatma Gandhi knew the importance of a positive mindset.

I will be showing and teaching you how to apply this thinking so that you can achieve your goals and desires.

I conquered my fears, changed my negative thinking, and I continue creating success. Nothing holds me back from obtaining my goals and desires.

Amanda Norman ADV/DIP/HYP

Mindset Coaching Summary

Summarising my personal success with mindset coaching does take commitment. In fact, you will in no time be adopting a continual positive mindset.

At one time I would often be telling myself that I’m not capable of such fantasies. Unfortunately, this was my limiting self-belief that benefitted me because, how could I fail?

How could I achieve my goals with such a limiting self-belief?

Choosing me to deliver your mindset coaching will be a positive investment.

I’ve successfully quit my unfulfilling career of 10 years. I decided that following my intuition or hearts desire would bring me the life I yearned for. My positive mindset has delivered lots of happiness and riches beyond money. My relationship with myself and others have drastically improved.

I’m living my dream and so can you!

Amanda Norman ADV/DIP/HYP

To sum up, my role is helping you to manifest your dreams and goals. Are you ready?



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