Reiki and Hypnotherapy in Liverpool

Menopause and Reiki

Menopause and Reiki

At my current age of 52, menopause and Reiki is something that I deal with daily. As a result, I am coming to terms with managing and accepting my menopause.

Reiki and Past Lives
Past Life Regression

Reiki and Past Lives

Reiki and past lives is a combination that although I know goes well together, I had not yet thought of experimenting with it. However, today

Womanhood and the Moon

Womanhood and the Moon

In today’s post titled Womanhood and the Moon, I discuss why you should embrace your menopause as a spiritual transformation. Firstly, as part of my

Menopause with Amanda

My Menopause Journey

I am writing My Menopause Journey because I have recently learned that I have suffered needlessly. Unfortunately, I never realised that I could be suffering

Spiritual Progression
Past Life Regression

Spiritual Progression

Spiritual progression is the journey of our soul to reach ascension, a place of pure oneness, love, and light. Can you imagine experiencing a state

Controlling binge eating

Controlling Binge Eating

So, it’s been a while since my latest update about my client’s progress with controlling her binge eating. Following on from her third session, she’s

Weight control

Weight Control

Hopefully, you’re learning a lot about my client’s weight control through watching her video diaries. Fortunately, her progress is continuing well and she will be

Hypnotherapy for binge eating

Hypnosis for binge eating

Hypnosis for binge eating is the continual progress of my client’s journey as she works on controlling her eating habits. I highly recommend that you



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