You are not on your own when you wonder about living past lives. Therefore, in this Past Lives FAQ, Amanda will answer all of your past life regression questions. Please feel free to contact her should you still have any questions. Alternatively, if you wish to book a session, click here.
Past Life Regression FAQ
All first time sessions of past life regression will be offered as interest only. This allows Amanda to gauge how well you relax and tailor future sessions if wanting therapy work.
Past life regression for interest only is booked per session lasting approximately 1.5 to 2 hours in total. This also includes pre and post-consultation.
What is Past Life Regression?
Using hypnosis, you can be regressed back to an earlier time in this life and to previous lives beyond this life.
Your session begins with a pre-consultation and when you are ready, I will relax your conscious mind using guided visualisation. Once fully relaxed, you can visit your past lives.
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is achieving a trance-like state that allows a therapist like Amanda to connect directly with your subconscious mind to bring about positive change. Your conscious mind is fully relaxed therefore enabling direct suggestion.
While in a trance-like state, you are conscious.
Your conscious mind has simply ‘gone off duty’ so to speak, which allows direct connection to your subconscious. It’s in this state that therapy can take place.
What is a trance like state?
In life, we are either fully awake, in the drowsy in-between state, or asleep.
A trance state is something each of us experiences every day. It is a completely natural state that can happen numerous times in a day. Examples include..
- Waking up first thing when you are just becoming conscious and aware of sound
- When you are just drifting off to sleep at night, feeling drowsy and comfortable. You are still slightly conscious but unaffected by an active mind, this is a trance state
- Zoning out is like going into a trance-like state, you know, just like you do in that boring lesson when the teacher is droning on and on and on and on….
In all the examples above, you can regain control whenever you choose.
Healing Your Past Lives – PLR for Therapy
Using Past life regression as a form of holistic therapy, can be useful in treating many issues such as: –
- Phobias and fears
- Emotional or mental health problems such as anger, anxiety, depression, panic, recurring nightmares, weight management. The list doesn’t end here.
- Releasing chronic pain or illness
PLR for therapy is categorised under Clinical Hypnosis due to the complexities involved. You will be requiring a minimum of three sessions. By uncovering patterns of behaviour in your past, you can break the cycle of physical and psychological pain/distress.
I will provide you with the opportunity to visit your soul’s past lives and experiences all of which, come from your subconscious. We refer to these as your past life memories and sometimes, people recall these consciously in dreams or Déjà Vu.
I believe as do many people, that your soul chooses its next life as a method of learning, or to balance karma. Therefore, choices and experiences from a past life can affect your emotions, actions, and choices in this life. Also, don’t be surprised if you recognise people from this life in a previous life. Many of us believe in soul contracts and soul families.
Therefore, the knowledge you can gain through visiting a past life can help you to make responsible choices in this life. Healing the past can heal the present and the future.
Are there any times when visiting past life regression can fail?
Hypnotherapy, as with any other treatment, does not guarantee a successful outcome. There are so many factors that can influence the outcome, making it difficult to know beforehand the success rate. All I can tell you is that as a trained hypnotherapist, I will supply you with a safe environment and the tools for you to make the changes.
Reading my Hypnotherapy with Amanda page will provide you with further questions regarding hypnotherapy.
What if nothing happens or I can’t recall a past life?
You will enjoy the benefit of deep relaxation even if subconsciously you are not ready to recall your past life memories at this time.
How many past lives can I have?
A soul may have experienced any number of lives and the time between these lives may vary considerably.
Do I need to believe in past lives?
Blocking the concept of past life regression or any form of hypnotherapy will hinder your experience. The reason you are seeking PLR is more valuable to you and considering this aspect will be more beneficial. If you don’t believe however, PLR is not for you.
What kind of information comes through and how?
- You can speak, hear, smell, taste and sometimes feel
- Some people experience a past life as if watching a film. Others sense that they are there and immersed but not seeing anything. Instead, they are feeling and knowing.
- Others experience it as if they are there and living the experience, seeing, hearing, etc.
What happens if I go through my death in a past life?
I will guide you safely through it. Also, we will discuss this aspect further during your consultation so that I can address any concerns you may have.
Have I made my past lives up?
The information you receive is relevant. No matter where the information came from, your subconscious revealed what you needed to know. It is the usefulness of the experience rather than the truthfulness or reason.
Are we able to prove past life regression is true?
Although there is no scientific proof about the validity of past life regression, you can find many accounts of people benefiting from this past life regression therapy. Indeed, highly acclaimed professionals with a scientific medical background have found that past life regression has a higher success rate. One example is Dr Brian Weiss who is a leading expert in this field. I highly recommend his book, Many Lives, Many Masters.
Can hypnosis be unsuitable?
Please note that there are unfortunately, a few medical conditions where hypnosis is unsuitable. These are: –
- Epilepsy
- Psychosis
- Under the influence of alcohol/drugs
- Learning difficulties if affecting cooperation