Past life regression and weight is my account of undergoing hypnosis.
My intention is to find out what my relationship is with my weight.
Sometimes, I struggle with confidence and perhaps, my past lives may hold the answer.
I often ask myself, ‘why can I not be proud and bubbly like others who are overweight‘?
‘Why can I not own my body like them’?
‘Why do I struggle with dieting’?
As a certified hypnotherapist, I’m successfully practicing past life regression. So yes, I could put myself under hypnosis to find the answers however, I don’t want to because I want to fully experience a session from a client’s perspective.
Earlier in the day, I found a session of past life regression performed by the wonderful Dr Brian Weiss. It’s freely available on YouTube and you can view it here.
During this session, Weiss asks you to go back to a happy childhood memory. Consequently, I found myself back with my ‘nanna’ and she was preparing me a piece of crusty bread with lashings of jam. Those feelings of happiness came flooding back and it was lovely.
Do I eat comfort food to feel safe, happy and loved?
Later that day, I visited my good friend Pauline who is herself a retired teacher of hypnotherapy. Of course, she trained and certified me in hypnotherapy and also Reiki. Following this we became good friends. I reflected on my experience earlier in the day and asked Pauline if she would regress me to explore this subject of weight further. We talked a few more things through specifically about my weight and when I remembered being slim. Then the past life regression began.
Time to relax
Following a deep relaxation, Pauline asked me to go back to a happy moment in my childhood. I would be lying to you if I told you that my conscious mind didn’t flicker in at first. However, I soon settled into a deep relaxation.
During any form of hypnosis, you must relax and go with the flow. The object is to quieten your conscious mind so that a hypnotherapist can communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Beforehand, I made a conscious decision not to go back to jam butty time. Instead, I relaxed and went to another childhood memory, again with my nanna.
My nanna was such a loving and caring lady who wasn’t obese, but she did have a heavy build. She sadly died when I was 11yrs old and I still miss her to this day. Fortunately, I was now reliving happy memories of walking her dog with her. She was with me now, in my sanctuary of healing light, a place of safe healing prior to regression.
Past Life Regression and Weight
During my past lives regression, I visited three lifetimes.
In only one of these was I pretty much the same figure that I am now. However, I was a proud working cook who lived in her employer’s big house. I was happy and confident surrounded by my family.
During my second lifetime, I was a waif of a little girl no more than 5 years of age. I was scared and hiding in a foundry type setting. Twigs could be seen in my mangled, dirty hair. I wore what looked like a torn hessian sack fashioned into a pathetic dress. When asked if I was happy, I stated no. I was immediately taken out of there back to the safe confounds of my healing sanctuary. I get the feeling that I was searching for food, and I was prepared to steal it.
Foraging for food
In my third past life, I was experiencing ultimate joy, happiness and love. I was a man about the age of 20 years of age. I was watching my future wife who was 16 years of age foraging for food in the meadow. Love was filling the air and I began witnessing our wedding celebrations. The entire village community were joining us and merrily singing, and dancing. I wasn’t overweight and neither was my wife.
I’m yet to work out the meaning of past life regression and my attitude to my weight. It’s clear that foraging for food was a common practice. The year was 1642.
The most remarkable aspect of this last encounter was that I wasn’t sure if I was the girl who was foraging. Her name was Vanda however, I soon realised that I was watching her and that I was her future husband. I just remember the feeling of intense love, adoration, and oneness. Also, I had a strong feeling of being her soulmate. Weight wasn’t an issue.
Out of these regressions, watching myself scared and hungry in the foundry was most prominent. Could this be a clue as to why I eat too much?
Here is where it gets weird!
Soulmate in time?
In this life, my daughter has a lovely friend called Jack and when I first met him, feelings of knowing him from somewhere else were very strong. (Of course, I’ve changed his name). They are very good friends and I know that my daughter wanted more however, they remain friends. Here’s where it gets weird, in my past life regression where I was watching Vanda foraging, I was Jack.
They do say that souls travel with you through time.
What has this to do with my relationship to food and my weight though?
I guess I will find out over the next coming days or weeks. I’m already brimming with excitement and optimism for finding out more about my session today.
One more thing about past life regression!
If you’re the type of person who analyses every situation seeking truth, you may struggle with past life regression. It is essential that you relax and just allow the story to unfold. Critical analysis can take place later, following your session like I am doing here. As with anything, practice makes it easier to let go of your conscious mind.
What have I learned about my weight through past life regression?
Towards the end of my session, I was taken back to my garden sanctuary and re-united with my nanna. We hugged each other tightly and I realised that her weight didn’t stop me from loving her to bits. I loved her soul and she loved me for who I was.
My weight will not be affecting my confidence anymore. Of course, it’s best to lose weight for health reasons, but as for comfort eating, well that remains in the past!
Visit my Past Life Regression page for further information.