Hypnotherapy for Weight Control


Hypnotherapy for weight control is what I’m currently working on with my client who is enjoying her journey so far. I’m very pleased and grateful that she’s decided to video her progress for us all to see. It’s also a perfect opportunity for me to plan our future sessions to ensure she maintains her weight control.

Firstly, allow me to provide you with a little background.

My client has an issue with controlling what she eats and she recognises that it’s getting out of control. She regularly attends the gym and enjoys working out. During our first session together, we examined her eating habits that led to some possible underlying issues that maybe contributing to her lack of control.

Currently, we have a total of three sessions planned and with her commitment to working with me, and her wanting to change, I believe that we can achieve her goal of controlling her weight. More importantly, when booking hypnosis, your commitment is your key to success! Providing you work with me, you’re open, honest and will put in the work, you can achieve fantastic results.

Day One with Hypnotherapy for Weight Control

I absolutely love her joy and motivation for her journey with hypnosis, and already we are seeing great results with her choosing not to snack.

Hypnotherapy for weight control day one

I have provided her with a hypnosis recording to listen to and some other techniques that she can use to keep her motivation high.

Day Four Video Diary

Judging from my client’s second hypnotherapy for weight control diary, she’s struggling with staying awake. Therefore I have advised her to do this sitting upright in a chair. Additionally, for her second session of hypnotherapy, I will be making changes with my process of relaxing her conscious mind. Clearly she has no trouble at all with relaxing, but of course, there will be other factors for myself to be considering during our second session together.

Hypnotherapy for weight control day four

To find out more about hypnotherapy, please read my Hypnotherapy with Amanda page.

Controlling Binge Eating Video Diaries

Below you will find recordings of my clients previous videos starting at 1 for the beginning. Of course, she’s kind enough to allow me to continue publishing them here: –

  1. Hypnotherapy for weight control
  2. Hypnosis for Binge Eating
  3. Weight Control
  4. Part 4

Therapy Location

Based in Liverpool, Amanda offers her hypnotherapy services in the privacy of her home. Without a doubt, Amanda takes the upmost care to ensure your confidentiality, comfort and care for ensuring your successful therapy session.

Her home is located in the Bowring Park (L16) area of Liverpool and full address details will be provided during the booking process.

Amanda is a certified life coach and hypnotherapist who is registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register.

Amanda also offers Reiki treatments and training. If you’re interested in Reiki please visit Learn Reiki and Liverpool Crystals for more information.


Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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