Menopause and Reiki


At my current age of 52, menopause and Reiki is something that I deal with daily. As a result, I am coming to terms with managing and accepting my menopause. Moreover, I am finding it astounding how I didn’t know that my experiences over the past seven or eight years were more than likely due to being perimenopausal. Furthermore, perhaps one of those years is actually being menopausal.

How do you know that you’ve reached menopause? No menstrual period for about nine to twelve months.

Menopause and Reiki

Menopause and Reiki

I can only describe my experiences of menopause to that of building a jigsaw puzzle. Each subsequent piece fills in the gaps that are helping me with this transition.Thankfully, I am grateful to all who speak out about this transformation that I consider to be a spiritual journey. You can read more about that here in my ‘Spiritual Transformation and Menopause’ journal.Currently, I am not partaking in any hormone replacement therapy, (HRT) however, I do think about it sometimes. Therefore, I am not against taking HRT. I currently feel able to cope with my various symptoms of hot flushes, and aches and pains.My self-care routine and Reiki assists me greatly. More importantly, knowing how far I have come without HRT inspires me to continue without it.

My Menopausal Timeline

Firstly, to give you an idea of my journey with menopause and Reiki, I have included my menopause timeline below.

2017 Anxiety and Perimenopause

Anxiety is a well known symptom of menopause.

In 2017, I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder.

Prior to my eventual diagnosis, the build up of stress and fear were immense. Unfortunately, I remember turning inwards and chastising myself for not being able to cope. As a result, I was disappearing into the shadows as I retreated inwards for protection.

Although I knew full well that my behaviour was wrong, I couldn’t stop. My one cigarette break turned into two ciggies and often, I would be creased over with intense feelings in the pit of my stomach.

Further complicating the above situation was the lack of self-love and personal care. Childhood trauma, being a single parent, growing a career, eventually took its toll. Also, perhaps this was my perimenopause because the build-up of stress was significant.

Introducing Self-Care

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, (CBT) was my first introduction to coping with anxiety. Challenging irrational fear is most certainly something to come to terms with. As I reflect now almost six years later, this is most definitely a key moment for me.

Additionally, meditation and mindfulness were something else that I began learning and practicing. As a result, these were the foundation of my self-care routine.

2018 Finding Reiki

In August of 2018, Reiki found me!

During this time, I was looking for a crystal healing course as I knew full well about their healing benefits. My self-made crystal healing bracelets were greatly assisting me with my anxiety. Also, as a result in investing in my self-care, I was growing my self-love therefore, I was wanting to learn more about crystal healing. Unfortunately, I was having trouble finding a suitable crystal healing course. They were full-time and too expensive, and Mark suggested a Reiki, energy healing course. Subsequently, I attended my Reiki One attunement and yes, my life changed for the better!

You can read more about me and my Reiki in my Reiki Journal.

2018 Did Reiki Save My Life?

Firstly, I do believe because of not managing my previous stress and the suffering with anxiety, this had an impact on my thyroid health. Also, I do wonder if a hormonal imbalance is in some way connected.

Secondly, a month following my first Reiki attunement, my operation to remove my thyroid took place with a disastrous result.

Sepsis set in as a result of the procedure and subsequently I was kept in hospital. Even now, I don’t think that I was as ill as other people thought I was, which is a bizarre thought. However, at the height of the shakes and yes, I was in and out of consciousness, I began witnessing something truly remarkable.

Amidst the fans and commotion around my bed, there was a period of calm and peace. I just remember watching these spirit beings on either side of my bed, plucking the poison out of my body. You can read more about this in my journal, Spirit Beings.

Now then, is this a coincidence that I found Reiki a month prior to my scheduled operation?

2020 Lockdown and Self-Care

2020 lockdown is a significant turning point for my self-care and spiritual growth.

The previous two years of putting myself first and more importantly, being guided by my intuition culminated in my spiritual growth. My dreams of working for myself and helping others were fast becoming a reality. Although it was a horrific time with COVID, like so many others, it was a time of slowing down and investing fully in self-care.

It was during this period that I began learning moon magic that further assists me with maintaining balance of my mind, body, and soul.

My survival of sepsis was also a significan sign, but when you start following your heart, more and more opportunities become available.

Menopause and Reiki

My foundation of Reiki practice has assisted me during my perimenopause and is assisting me now, during my post menopause. The day I understood the significance of using Reiki and making it the foundation of my daily self-care, assists me greatly through menopause.

I’m currently under physio for my second frozen shoulder, which again, is a common symptom of menopause together with other aches and pains. Thankfully, we are a lot more open now about our symptoms and we can share our experiences.

My bloody ass aches!

I know it might seem funny and I do have to laugh myself sometimes at the absurdity of it, but it bloody aches. The muscles feel so tight, and I ask myself if I’m holding tension there?

Are My Hormones Getting the Better of Me?

I know the importance of having a balanced mind and how if unbalanced your body can reflect it. Therefore, focusing on the pain will only increase it however, I often ask myself if I am experiencing issues of safety. I do so much to manage my overall wellbeing that it just doesn’t make sense that I am struggling to feel grounded.

Sometimes our hormones do get the better of us, which makes sense for me and my situation.

By journalling my thoughts and continuing my self-care routine, I can cope well most of the time. When I’m not coping, understanding that hormones maybe wreaking havoc has a settling effect. Also, I am learning the consequences of neglecting my self-care routine, which sometimes I do for a day or so. At the end of the day, life does get in the way sometimes, however it results in a feeling of tiredness and worry.

Reiki is Assisting My Post Menopause

The art of reflection, which is what I am in the very process of doing now while writing this, is healing. As a result, I find it awe inspiring that the one thing out of all my experiences dating back to 2018 is Reiki and my self-care.

I never knew that I was perimenopause or menopausal until June 2023 when I went on a course to train as a Menopause Coach. Obviously, something drew me to it as I wanted answers and of course my age of 51 was instrumental. What I learned confirmed that I am more than likely post menopause. Indeed, my tutor confirmed that my experience of anxiety alone was a compelling sign of perimenopause.

Reiki and your menopause

Menopause and Reiki Treatment

My experience and knowledge culminates in my creation of a Reiki treatment specifically aimed at others who are resonating with me.

Reiki for Menopause sessions are full of coping techniques for various symptoms. My symptoms presently are hot flushes with aches and pains. Thankfully, I am past the sleepless nights and not understanding my sudden flare ups of anxiety.

Additionally, my skin is losing its elasticity however, I am currently trialling Jojoba oil with Indian Head Massage that I’ve recently trained in.

Finally, I am feeling excited about my future growth, and I am aging gracefully. They say that grey hair is a sign of wisdom, and I will take that, to an extent.

Please feel free to get in touch with me about your experiences and indeed if you believe my services can be of benefit.


Your Author

Amanda is a certified Reiki Master, trainer and life coach with a strong passion for her holistic work.

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