Author: Amanda
Weight Control
Hopefully, you’re learning a lot about my client’s weight control through watching her video diaries. Fortunately, her progress is continuing well and she will be returning on Monday for her third session. During this session, we will be able to evaluate the need for further sessions. Weight Control Video Diary Day 8 Hypnotherapy and expectations… Read more
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Hypnosis for binge eating
Hypnosis for binge eating is the continual progress of my client’s journey as she works on controlling her eating habits. I highly recommend that you watch her first video diaries here at Hypnotherapy for Weight Control. You can also find further information about binge eating on the NHS website by clicking here. Today, watch her… Read more
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Hypnotherapy for Weight Control
Hypnotherapy for weight control is what I’m currently working on with my client who is enjoying her journey so far. I’m very pleased and grateful that she’s decided to video her progress for us all to see. It’s also a perfect opportunity for me to plan our future sessions to ensure she maintains her weight… Read more
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Past Life Regression and Weight
Past life regression and weight is my account of undergoing hypnosis. My intention is to find out what my relationship is with my weight. Sometimes, I struggle with confidence and perhaps, my past lives may hold the answer. I often ask myself, ‘why can I not be proud and bubbly like others who are overweight‘?… Read more
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